
Tenancy 3, 17 William Street, Beckenham

Address Tenancy 3, 17 William Street, Beckenham
Region Metro South
Asking Net Rental $285.00/ sqm per annum (exclusive of GST)
Net Lettable Area 1,717.00 sqm
Zoning Light Industry
Car Parking 97
Estimated Outgoings $53.00
Availability September 2024

Located on the consistently busy arterial road of William Street, this Large Format Centre provides retailers with an unique retailing opportunity! The subject showroom is situated in the heart of the Cannington commercial precinct with high visibility and large fascia’s for signage to William Street.

The showrooms have been built to a high standard featuring LED Highbay Lighting, open ceiling, evaporative cooling. There are 64 parking bays available on -site with easy access for clients in and out from William Street and rear loading.